Homeowner Insurance Explained by Andrew Raymakers

To keep our clients and readers informed, we decided to reach out to one of our trusted partners,  Andrew Raymakers with Caldwell Roach Insurance to answer the following question:

What is covered in basic homeowner’s insurance?


Over the decades, property insurance policies have evolved from basic fire policies to the broad Homeowners packages that we purchase today. The most common insurance package that is written for dwellings in the current market is the Homeowners Comprehensive Form and, when combined with some additional, optional covers, it offers homeowners protection and peace of mind from virtually any hazard we may face in the Maritimes. This policy form protects against “All Risks of direct physical loss or damage to property”. As such, the policy is defined by its exclusions; in other words, if it isn’t specifically excluded, it’s covered! 

So what are the main sections of coverage in the Homeowner Comprehensive Form?


Coverage A – Dwelling Building

This is defined as the main building you occupy on your premises, including all its fixtures.

Coverage B – Detached Private Structures

This details structures or buildings on your premises which are separated from the dwelling by a clear space, such as a shed or gazebo.

Coverage C – Personal Property

This section covers the contents of your dwelling and any other personal property you own, wear or use on your premises. This coverage can also extend to property that is temporarily away from your premises. For example, a common misconception is that items stolen from your vehicle, such as a laptop or tablet, are covered under your automobile insurance when, in fact, coverage for these stolen items would come from your Homeowners Insurance.

Coverage D – Additional Living Expenses

Often overlooked and underestimated, this section provides coverage for any necessary increase in living expenses, including moving expenses incurred by you, so that your household can maintain its normal standard of living if damage to your home by an insured peril makes it unfit for occupancy.

Personal Liability

This section details the paying of all sums which you become legally obligated to pay as compensatory damages because of bodily injury or property damage you cause to a Third Party.

Let’s not forget option coverage!


Optional Coverage:


Guaranteed Building Replacement Cost 

This covers the full cost to repair or replace damaged or destroyed dwelling, even if the cost is more than the amount of insurance for the dwelling stated on your insurance policy.

Combined Single Limit

This option combines the insurance limits of Coverage A, B, C and D, above, which allows for greater flexibility with the insurance money available to you.

Sewer Backup 

This option covers damage caused by the backing up of dirty water from a floor drain, sink or septic system.

Overland Water

This option covers damage caused by surface water that enters your dwelling.


While the development of package policies for Homeowners has made purchasing insurance simpler for consumers, it’s always best to seek the professional advice of an Insurance Broker to discuss your unique insurance needs. As Brokers, we have access to the largest variety of Insurers and an intimate knowledge of each, which allows us to match competitive pricing and valuable insurance coverage to your specific situation, protecting ones of life’s most important assets – your home.


Thank you Andrew for the great info! 


Contact Andrew today for your home insurance needs!


Andrew Raymakers





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